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An introduction to the Cammino Fogazzaro-Roi

The Cammino Fogazzaro-Roi (the Fogazzaro-Roi Trail) is the first of the Cammini Veneti (Veneto Trails), long routes (ideally suited to walking) which the Associazione Cammini Veneti plans to develop in the countryside and hills in the Veneto area.

The Cammino Fogazzaro-Roi is the result of the work of a group of volunteers who love the harmony that the rhythm of walking brings and who love their land. This particular walk has been devised to introduce people to an area of Vicenza and its province which threads from Montegalda up to Tonezza del Cimone, bringing together sport, environment and culture.

The Cammino Fogazzaro-Roi passes through places and past villas celebrated by the Vicentine writer Antonio Fogazzaro and cherished by his great-grandson the Marquess Giuseppe Roi, ambassador of Veneto culture and beauty throughout the world. It is no coincidence that the Cammino Fogazzaro-Roi was first conceived on the centenary of our great writer’s death (1911-2011).

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