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Stage One Montegalda – Vicenza (17 Km)

Villa Gualdo - Montegalda

Route description

The starting point is the bridge across the River Bacchiglione in Montegalda; at Villa Gualdo follow the embankment which runs along the river; the route snakes through farm holdings on the left and is an easy walk amidst greenery.

After crossing the road at the roundabout before the village of Colzè, pick up the path again along the embankment (there is a gap in the guardrail); pass under the A31 motorway (Valdastico Sud), the embankment now follows a spillway canal and meets up with the River Bacchiglione on the left after the water works at Colzè.

At Secula cross the main road (SP 20); turn left keeping to the road and just after the bridge across the River Bacchiglione join the bike-pedestrian path on the right which runs below; at the traffic lights in Longare continue straight on for about 200m then turn right on to the bike-pedestrian path. Continue straight on, crossing the main road (SP247) at the American Military Base and picking up the bike-pedestrian path heading north on the right and named after Renato Casarotto.

In Debba there is a dangerous crossing so cross over first on the left, go on for 50m then cross back to the right on to the bike-pedestrian path and carry on ahead. Pay great attention here as the road is very busy. Shortly after the signpost for Vicenza, just beyond the villa “La Rotonda”, cross the main road again (SP 247), and walk up Via Della Rotonda as far as the sign for Villa Valmarana (approx. 300m).

Go up the steps on the right as far as the Villa Valmarana. Continue straight on and at the fork go up the cobbled lane to the left (via S.Bastian). At the end of the lane keep going, cross over the road which leads to Monte Berico and follow the dirt track which runs down along the arcade.

Keep to the right for 100m after the bollards and then take a sharp left over the pedestrian crossing in viale Fusinato. The road crosses over the railway bridge; after 50m turn left and cross the road at the pedestrian crossing towards the right; turn left towards Campo Marzo; after the bridge turn right into viale Eretenio.
At the crossroads near the bridge (Ponte Furo) go straight up contrà Carpagnon and follow the signs for “Due Mori” as far as Piazza delle Poste, where the first stage ends. Turn right to head towards Piazza dei Signori.


Route information

Starting point

Montegalda, the centre of the village, Villa Gualdo, the Town Hall

Parking available in the municipal car park.

Exit A4 (Milan-Venice) Grisignano – follow signs for Montegalda 6km
Exit A31 (Valdastico Sud) Longare-Montagaldella – follow signs for Montegalda 5km 

Main roads
SP20 from Longare traffic lights SP 247
from Montegaldella junction for SP 21

All year round
From April to October the long grass along the embankment from Montegalda to Secula may cause some problems.

Technical details
Easy. Mostly flat
1km climb from Via della Rotonda-stradella Valmarana to the end of Via S. Bastian (Vicenza)
Descent Viale 10 Giugno 400m (from Monte Berico)

Unpaved-grass tracks along the Montegalda-Secula embankment
Asphalted bike-pedestrian path Longare-Vicenza
Paving stones along the Stradella Valmarana Via S. Bastian
Dirt track Viale 10 Giugno

  • pace 4 kmph > 4 hours 30 minutes
  • pace 6 kmph > 2 hours 50 minutes
  • pace 8 kmph > 2 hours 15 minutes
  • pace 18 kmph > 1 hour by bike

Road crossings
  • Just before Colzè at the roundabout SP20-Ghizzole- normal traffic.
  • Secula – crossing the SP 20.
  • Along the via Municipio in Secula at the beginning of the bike-pedestrian path at the underpass in Longare.
  • Longare SP 247. Opposite the entrance to the American base to pick up the bike path. Heavy traffic.
  • Debba – the junction of the SP 247 – road for Ponte di Debba leaving the bike-pedestrian path. Pay great attention.
  • Vicenza at the end of the bike-pedestrian path. Cross the SP 247 to join via della Rotonda. Pay great attention.
  • Vicenza, Viale 10 Giugno, at the foot of Monte Berico. Pay great attention.
  • Vicenza, viale Fusinato and viale Risorgimento. Pay great attention.
  • Vicenza, junction of viale Eretenio – Ponte Furo.
  • Vicenza from the end of Viale 10 Giugno until viale Eretenio moderate to heavy traffic.
  • Special care should be taken on all road junctions. Always follow the highway code and above all use common sense.

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