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The CFR in short

  • What is the CFR and where is it situated?

    The Cammino Fogazzaro Roi is an 80km trail stretching from Montegalda to Tonezza in the province of Vicenza. It ascends around 1,000 metres, but most of the climb (around 80%) is in the section from Velo d’Astico to Tonezza del Cimone. The walk is mainly off-road, along paths, river embankments, dirt tracks, and minor roads. The route is waymarked with brown metal signs, red and white stickers, or red and white paint.

  • Why the CFR?

    The trail was devised by the Associazione Cammini Veneti to take in some of the most stunning countryside around Vicenza and especially those places described by the writer Antonio Fogazzaro, and with connections to his great-grandson, Giuseppe Roi, a man of immense culture and patron of the arts. Cammini Veneti’s main aim is to create well-signed, long distance walks in the countryside and hills in our area, offering stunning scenery and cultural insights. While there are already many walking and hiking trails in the mountain areas, the hills and countryside remain relatively undiscovered and despite the unfortunate encroachment of built-up areas in recent years, there is still a wealth of beauty to be explored.

  • When can I walk the trail?

    You can walk the trail any time of year but the best times are probably in spring and autumn.

  • How can I do the trail?

    You can walk or cycle the trail; no special equipment is required (you will need walking boots, and maybe poles and a backpack) and there are plenty of services along the way (bars, restaurants, B&Bs, hotels and farmstays but there are no campsites).

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